GMNI Intergroup meeting:
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 7:30 - 9:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1488 5215
Passcode: 173896
No matter what your problem with food - compulsive overeating, undereating, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or overexercising - we have a solution.
Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology or religious doctrine; we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive overeating and to carry this message of recovery to those who still suffer.
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New to OA? Call Us Today
If you want to speak with someone, please call anytime, leave us a message including your number and a good time to reach you, and we'll call you back. 802-863-2655