Green Mountain North Intergroup
      Green Mountain North Intergroup

Green Mountain North Intergroup

Wednesday, March 19, 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1488 5215
Passcode: 173896

GMNI Intergroup meeting


What is Intergroup?

When several groups form in an area, they soon realize that they can better perform together rather than separately. So the groups may form an intergroup that is directly responsible to the groups it serves. Intergroups spring from a need to provide service for a number of local groups and better information about OA in a community. (Adapted from OA Handbook for Members, Groups and Service Bodies)


Typical services provided by an intergroup are:

  • Providing a central telephone number for information about OA and the local meetings
  • Publishing regular newsletters or bulletins to keep groups informed about each other and upcoming OA events
  • Coordinating speakers, public information, and contact with the professional community
  • Maintaining a supply of OA literature and OA and AA books
  • Sending delegates to regional assemblies and the World Service Business Conference

Intergroup Documents

Are you an OA member?  Do you need to access the GMNI announcements, minutes, reports or financials?  Click Below.  Email the Webmaster if you need the password. 


GMNI Bylaws

GMNI Bylaws - Revised 03 18 2018
_GMNI Bylaws 03 18 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [69.9 KB]
World Service Publication on Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures
Adobe Acrobat document [606.4 KB]
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2016 Green Mountain North Intergroup